
A great restaurant website

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After you place your order, we send it directly to the restaurant, which starts preparing it immediately.

Our restaurants do everything they can to get your food delivered as quickly as possible. However, sometimes restaurants receive very large amount of orders, or drivers get stuck in heavy traffic - this unfortunately might cause delays.

If the amount of time you’ve waited has exceeded the estimated delivery time, you can contact us and we’ll look into what’s going on.

If you have a voucher code, you can redeem it after selecting a restaurant and adding items to your basket. You will see a field to enter your voucher code on the order overview page. If the voucher is valid, the discount on your order will be calculated immediately. Only one voucher can be used per order.

If your voucher code does not work, feel free to contact us and we’ll take a look.

If you have a voucher code, you can redeem it after selecting a restaurant and adding items to your basket. You will see a field to enter your voucher code on the order overview page. If the voucher is valid, the discount on your order will be calculated immediately. Only one voucher can be used per order.

If your voucher code does not work, feel free to contact us and we’ll take a look.


It is really easy, as easy as 1, 2, 3:

1. Tell us where you are: Enter your location so that we can show you which restaurants deliver to you.

2. Choose what you would like: Pick a restaurant and select items you’d like to order. You can search by restaurant name, cuisine type, dish name or by keyword.

3. Checkout: Enter your exact delivery address, payment method and your phone number. Always make sure that you enter the correct phone number to help us contact you regarding your order, if needed.

Now sit back, relax, and we’ll get your food delivered to your doorstep.

Please give us a call as soon as possible, we can let the restaurant know before it starts preparing your order.

With regards to any refund of a payment you have made online, please contact Dimdaa food and not the restaurant.

Delivery time varies from restaurant to restaurant. It also depends on the number of orders that the restaurant has to prepare and on the distance between the restaurant and your delivery address.

You can see the estimated delivery time for each restaurant in your area on our website. After placing an order, a more precise delivery time will be communicated to you by SMS.

You can now pay by card and with mobile money at participating restaurants! All our restaurants and outlets accept cash on delivery.

Online ordering at Dimdaa food provides several advantages over telephone ordering.

1. Discover: We offer a huge choice of restaurants, and we have their menus online so you don’t have to collect menus for individual restaurants or stick to just one of them. Every day you can discover new restaurants and new tastes.

2. Take your time: You have as much time as you need to decide what to eat today, instead of listening to someone read out the entire menu to you and making a decision on the spot.

3. Know what you’re getting: We help you make the right choice by providing customer reviews and ratings.

4. Convenient payment: If you order at Dimdaa Food, you’re not limited to paying by cash on delivery. You can easily and safely pay online using other payment methods available depending on the vendor.

5. You can view details of all your past orders and easily re-order.